Rbq: 5685-2494-01

Expanding space,
[ our ease ]

Custom mirrors

Project by

Custom Cut Mirrors
Infinite choice.

“Mirror Mirror, who’s the prettiest? My room! As we all know, the mirror is a key element of interior design, especially in places like the bathroom, entrance hall, dining room or even a sports room, storeroom and office. Not only does it fulfill a practical and spacious function, it can also add an upscale and elegant touch to your space.

So, we make sure to create it exactly to your specifications, and above all, with very short delivery times.”

Our promise

[ and What our Customers Love About Us ]


Benefit from experts available to help you choose your materials, because there are so many options!


Simplify your renovation planning with fast, transparent communication.


Minimize the disruption to your daily life thanks to our short delivery times.


Avoid cost overruns with our precise estimating system.

Psst... By the time we leave your house, there'll be no dust and no mess.

Types of bathroom mirrors

There are many different types of mirror, each offering specific advantages in terms of aesthetics. Remember, our experts are available to advise you on mirror types. Here are some of the most common types of mirror.

Bathroom mirror

Mosaic mirrors

Backlit mirror

Gym mirror

Miroir avec verre teinté

Bevelled mirror

Wall mirror

Mirror with contour moldings


The Custom Mirror.

More Than Just a Practical Accessory.

For a Memorable First Impression.

There’s nothing like a mirror for enlarging spaces and enhancing rooms. Nowadays, mirrors are no longer just accessories for looking at yourself: they come in a wide range of shapes and forms, and are an integral part of any interior design: simply let in natural light and place it opposite a window or other light source to increase the luminous effect tenfold. Placed in strategic locations, the custom mirror expands space in width, depth and even height, giving the impression of pushing up walls and ceilings.

With their extraordinary power to visually enlarge volumes, mirrors are a natural choice for small spaces. This is particularly true of bathrooms, which often have little or no opening to the outside world, and a small surface area: installing a bathroom mirror is an obvious choice, not only for looking at yourself, but also for maximizing space and light in the room.

With customized options, you can create a mirror that becomes a work of art in its own right.

Our support
[ a Relationship of Trust ]

We'll guide you every step of the way to a successful transformation of your glass project.

1. Design and proposal
2. Measurements
3. Choice of Materials
4. Project confirmation
5. Manufacturing and installation
6. Usage
1. Design and proposal
2. Measurements
3. Choice of materials
4. Project confirmation
5. Manufacturing & Installation
6. Usage

The 2 Most Important Questions About Mirrors

Turnaround times for the design and manufacture of custom mirrors are usually very short. We stock a large inventory ready to be cut to size according to your needs. For larger, more complex projects, please ask your Vitrerie BV expert.

To give a general idea, a small basic custom mirror without special finishes can cost a few hundred dollars, while larger mirrors with complex finishes and custom designs can cost several thousand dollars. Our experts can give you a quick quote. One call is all it takes!

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